China Life Insurance

China Life

According to its Annual Report filed with the SEC for fiscal year 2018: "In June 2017, CLPCIC, a casualty and property insurance company in which we own 40% interest, provided marine hull insurance for a fleet of vessels managed by the National Iranian Tanker Company (“NITC”) as a co-insurer for the period from July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018, and the lead insurer is Assuranceforeningen Skuld. These transactions were entered into in compliance with laws and regulations applicable to CLPCIC. We understand that NITC is affiliated with the Government of Iran and it was, at the time the insurance was in force, on the List of Persons Identified as Blocked Solely Pursuant to Executive Order 13599. The total premiums that CLPCIC received from these transactions are approximately RMB 530,000. The insurance coverage under these transactions expired on June 30, 2018. CLPCIC does not intend to continue providing insurance coverage to NITC upon the expiration of the insurance coverage."