Hanwha Corporation

KRX: 000880
South Korea
Hanwha Total Petrochemical

Hanwha Corporation Tehran Representative Office listed on its company website.


Hanwha Corporation is a major South Korean Conglomerate composed of  "two major business units: The Explosives Division which makes commercial explosi-ves, technologically advanced defense industry products and aerospace products, and the Trade Division." According to a list of "Achievements" posted on its company website, the "Explosives" unit of Hanwha Corporation has engaged in multiple projects in Iran. Many of these projects have involved other South Korean companies including Sungjin Geotec Co. and POSCO. The same list reveals that Hanwha Corporation has engaged in business with Petrochemical Industries Design and Engineering Company (PIDEC), one of Iran's largest engineering companies.

Hanwha Corporation's subsidiary, Hanwha E&C, holds around $60 million in contracts with the US government.