Shahvarpour Najafabadi, Hassan
"IRGC Brigadier General and the Commander of the IRGC’s Vali Asr Base in Khuzestan province, and he served in the position during the IRGC’s violent suppression of protestors in November 2019. In this province and the city of Mahshahr alone, the IRGC killed at least 100 protestors in a three-day period." 1
"As the Commander of the IRGC in Khuzestan since 2009, Hassan Shahvarpour is responsible for commanding the forces which used machine guns against protesters and other civilians in the city of Mahshahr during the November 2019 protests. Under his command, 148 people were killed by the IRGC by heavy machine gun fire from armoured vehicles encircling fleeing protesters hiding in nearby marshes." 2
"Hassan Shahvarpour (SHAHVARPOUR) is commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) in Khuzestan Province and Deputy of the South West Karbala Headquarters. In this role SHAHVARPOUR is or has been involved in the commission of a serious human rights violation or abuse in Iran through his role in the violent suppression of protests."3